Monday, March 26, 2012

Thought I would share this video with you. New Mexico, squeezed into 60 seconds. Incredible. I am proud to call this state my home!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Girl Scout Saturday 3-24-2012

So today some of the girls from our Service Unit, met at the Council Office in town. We do this on a Saturday once a month. Girl Scout Saturday =] The girls split up into levels, Daisies, Brownies, Juniors, and Cadettes. 
We made a huge mural with all the girls hand prints, and foot prints. Did arts and crafts, sang songs, told stories, socialized and made new friends. The volunteers and adults even fed the girls a really cute lunch!

At the end of the day, they announced that we would be taking part in a 2012 Time Capsule. In case you did not know, 2012 marks the 100th year of Girl Scouts. All the girls, and even some adults added something to the box to represent the world in which we live in 2012. We all agreed the box would be sealed, and NOT open until March 24, 2030! That's 18 years from today! 

Please enjoy a few pictures!
2012 Time Capsule!

Giant Friendship Circle!
The Daisies earned this "Make New Friends" patch.
Every girl that attended today, marked this mural with their paint covered hands and feet! It went inside the time capsule!

Bridging Ceremony & Uniforms

Vanessa at the Council office, told me that we could borrow the white bridge, for our ceremony. We just need to let her know WHEN we need it. So we should start actively planning our bridging ceremony for:

Daisies --> Brownies
Brownies --> Juniors

[[I don't think we have any Juniors going to Cadettes?]]

We need to order the Bridging to Brownies badge HERE , this is an official badge, which is worn on the FRONT of the vest. Now, I believe it does NOT go on their Daisy Vest, it goes on their BROWNIE vest. It is to be placed, under the the membership stars/discs (which I will discuss in a bit), which are UNDER the Troop Number.

The placement is the SAME for the Bridging to Juniors badge. Under the membership stars/discs, on the front of the vest. it can be ordered right here

Also, the Brownie Pin, to be worn on the Brownie Insignia Tab with the Wagggs Pin. The Brownies needs their "wings" for Flying Up to Juniors. This can all be found in this link on the Girl Scouts of New Mexico Trails website.

Membership stars/discs. What are they? They represent each year you are a Scout! They are official Girl Scout uniform, and are worn on the FRONT of the vest or sash, right under the Troop number. Each level has a different color, and you get one each year. This will be part of the Investiture Ceremony. We can give the girls theirs (for this year) at the Court of Awards Ceremony. Then, maybe when we start back up next year, have a Rededication/Investiture ceremony, where we will award the returning girls their SECOND year membership star/disc. =] Now the discs only cost six cents a piece, but I have seen some websites, that sell them in bulk. Which might be a good idea. Daisies are blue, Brownies are green, Juniors are yellow, Cadettes are white, Ambassadors are navy, Seniors are red. By the end of your Girl Scouting years, you will have a whole hoard of these on your vest. Should be around 11, or 12 of these.

We also, need to make sure everyone has their WAGGGS pin. World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts. This is worn on the insignia tab, which is BROWN for the Brownies, and GREEN for the juniors. Please click here to order

An example of the Brownie Uniform, with full insignia and badges =]

1. Brownie Insignia Tab
2. World Trefoil Pin
3. Brownie Membership Pin
4. Cookie Sale Activity Pin
5. Brownie Journey Award Patch Set
6. Brownie Try-Its
7. Bridge to Brownie Girl Scouts Award 8. Safety Award Pin
9. Membership Star
10. Disc for Membership Star-blue
11. Disc for Membership Star-green
12. Iron-On Troop Numerals
13. Brownie Council Identification Set
                                                                                    14. Wavy American Flag Patch

and the Junior Uniform:
1. Junior Insignia Tab
2. World Trefoil Pin
3. Girl Scout Pin (traditional or contemporary)
4. Junior Leadership Pin
5. Bronze Award Pin
6. Cookie Sale Activity Pin
7. Junior Journey Award Patch Set
8. Junior Badges
9A. Sign of the Rainbow
9B. Sign of the Sun
9C. Sign of the Star
9D. Sign of the World 10. Brownie Wings
11. Junior Aide Award
12. Bridge to Junior Girl Scouts Award
13. Safety Award Pin
14. Membership Star
15. Disc for Membership Star-green
16. Disc for Membership Star-yellow
17. Iron-On Troop Numerals
18. Troop Crest
19. Girl Scout Council Identification Set
20. Wavy American Flag Patch

So, we will go over this ALL in detail at a meeting in the very near future. Discuss whether, we the troop, are going to purchase the new uniforms for the bridging girls, or if the parents will purchase. We will discuss how we are going to go about purchasing all the girls books and badges next year as well. Should we start at $15 up front charge (in addition to the $12 registration, which goes to Council.)? This will help us purchase the necessary items we need. Also, should we do "dues"?

A Few Fun Patch Ideas

So we have our bridging ceremony coming up, as well as court of awards. We have the traditional badges that the girls will be receiving...but here is a couple fun patches!

and it can be ordered right Here!

click here to order!

I know we have a few girls who are very proud Cheerleaders! Why not order them a patch to wear and talk about?

this little fella' can be ordered right here

For the girls who make Honor Roll, for good grades:

it can be found here

and finally...last year, the Boys Scouts at Nava invited everyone to participate in their Pinewood Derby. I wonder if they will do this again this year? OR if our girls want to do one on their own? So much fun, build the car, race awards!

and this one can be found here!!

These are just a few ideas. They all came from the same website, and NONE of the patches are over $1.00. Feel free to poke around, and come up with some other ideas for projects or events for our girls to participate in! Parents, you can also buy these on your own, if your family does something fun, that your girl should have a patch for! Google search, and you can find many many websites for these fun patches. The only rule for them is, that they are worn on the BACK of the Girl Scout vest, or sash. Never on the front, unless we tell you to put some there! =]

Happy patching!!!!!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Cookie Sales Badges and Patches to Earn!

Hello parents and fellow volunteers! I thought I would make my very first blog post for our troop, about cookie sales!
We have been wondering what wonderful rewards our girls are eligible to earn for the Cookie Sales this year. So I did some research, and this is what I came up with:

Obviously, they will earn their incentives patches (for selling 24+, then the bar for each 100 sold after that.)
But, in addition, they are also eligible for the following...

1. Every Girl Scout that is in their very first year AND participated in the Cookie Sales, are eligible for a "My 1st Cookie Sale" patch. Which looks like this:
and can be ordered HERE!

2. The Cookie Activity Pin. Earned by every girl, in every level. These can be placed on the FRONT of the vest/sash, and for each level there is a different spot where this goes (we will discuss in meeting):

and can be ordered HERE!

3. Top Seller Patch. For the girls who sold the MOST cookies!

and can be ordered HERE!

4. Lani, this one if for you (there are different styles of this one the site, if you dig around). a COOKIE MOM patch, for the one in charge of Cookie Sales organization, money, and all things cookies. In other words...our HERO!!!! 

and can be ordered HERE!

5. Cookie Booth Sale Patch. For the girls who participated in Cookie Booth Sales!

and can be ordered HERE!

6. How about a Cookie DIVA patch????  

can be ordered HERE!!!!!

7. A patch for Money Management, this is a MUST. The girls spent an entire meeting learning about giving correct change, and the difference between certain coins and bills!

and it can be ordered HERE!

8. This one is for the Juniors (Susan, hopefully you know the details of earning this BADGE.) It's the "Cookie Biz" badge.

and it can be ordered HERE!

Juniors also have:
Financial Literacy Badges, HERE
and Cookie Business Badges, HERE!

9. and for the Brownies! This is your Cookie Sale "Try-It" Badge! 

and this can be ordered HERE!

Other badges for Brownies include:
 Financial Literacy badges, which can be ordered HERE
and the Cookie Business Badges, HERE

10. and for Daisies, you have FOUR leaves. Two for Financial Literacy, and two for Cookie Business. 

and they can be ordered HERE and HERE!

Hope this helps a little!!!! Feel free to poke around on the websites linked, and see if there are any others that I might have missed. I will be making another post very soon, talking about all the different ways to earn FUN PATCHES, and where I have ordered mine from, for super cheap! 

-Amy V.